This is an overview of the parallel sessions for the on-site conference taking place from 23 to 25 February 2025. The overview of the online sessions, scheduled for 30 and 31 January 2025, can be found here.
Conceptualizing & Creating
panel 1
Re-Imagining Care through Artistic, Creative-Led Practice Research: A Multifaceted Panel
chair: Merel Visse
The Tunnel as Urban Care-scape
Marloeke van der Vlugt
Countering the Dominance of Economic Impact Thinking in Economic Art Education: Exploring Existential Art Experiences as Care
Esther Willemse
Re-visioning Responsibility: Integrating an Ethics of Care in Design Practices
Simona Kicurovska
Drawing towards Moral Ecologies in Co-creative Practices between Artists, Patients, and Caregivers
Marielle Schuurman
panel 2Caring and the Art of Perceiving
lecture and workshop
chair: Andries Baart
panel 3
Towards an Ethics and Aesthetics of Repair
Care as a Form of Repair: Examining Aesthetics, Dramaturgy, and Justice in Grenfell: In the Words of the Survivors, A Verbatim Theatre Play by Gillian Slovo (2023)
Amanda Stuart Fisher
Towards an Aesthetics of Repair: The Artistic Practices of Nalini Malani, Simone Leigh, and Cecilia Vicuña
Alycia Danckaarts
Careful with Perfection: Repair, Tikkun Olam, and Care Ethics
Pieter Dronkers
panel 4
An Ethico-Aesthetics of Care: Rethinking Care Theory
Care Theory as a Process Moral Aesthetic
Maurice Hamington
The Fourfold Relation between Care and Aesthetics
Carlo Leget & Finn Thorbjørn Hansen
panel 5Caring Relationalities and the Arts of Attention
The Arts of Attention
Nathalie Zaccaï-Reyners
Aesthetic Education to Care? Reclaiming “Affective Virtuosity” on the Continuum of Care/Attention/Desire
Kelly Gawel
The Role of Expression in Caring Relationships
Anderson Harris
panel 6 Ethics, Aesthetics, and Design in Dementia Care
Dignity, Care Ethics, and Design in Dementia Residential Care Environments
Jodi Sturge & Elleke Landeweer
Theatre, Ethics, and End-of-Life Care for People with Dementia
Janieke Bruin
Into the Wide Open? Nature-Based Aesthetics in Dementia Care
Ruud Hendriks & Ike Kamphof
Understanding & Changing
panel 1
Care Beyond Repair?
Ecological Damage and Aesthetic Reparative Practices: Responsibility, Privileged Irresponsibility, and Response-ability
Vivienne Bozalek & Michalinos Zembylas
"If We do Not Seek to Fix What Has Been Broken, Then What?": On the Possibility of Care in the Arts, if Repair Is Impossible
Rahel Kesselring
Diseuse(d), Diseased, Disused: The Practice of Illness
Yen Noh
panel 2 Caring in Action, Connection, and Community
Care as Aesthetic Action
Florence Borggrefe
Welcome & Wonder
Sophie Thunus & Maya Duverdier
panel 3
Re-imagining Death, Dying, Loss, and Grief
Care as Transformation: A Critique from the Perspective of Loss and Grief
Mai-Britt Guldin & Carlo Leget
Using Art-Based Research to Bear Witness, Testify, and Transmit the Lived Experience of Dying in the Margins
Els van Wijngaarden, Mariska van Zutven & Dominique Girard
Out of Love, Out of Necessity
Tjitske Sluis
panel 4
Beyond Reparation and Critique: Relational Encounters with Disability and Care
Artistic Research into Care through Improvisation
Sem Bannenberg & Angelo Custódio
Reading and Repair: Disability’s Inconveniences in the “Again vs. Against” Paradigm
Andries Hiskes
Responding to Otherness: The Potential of Experimental-Relational Spaces of Encounter
Gustaaf Bos
panel 5
CineCare Deliberation
chair: Kim Henkels de Lange
panel 6What is Care Aesthetics? An Introduction to the Care Aesthetics Project at the University of Manchester
Care Aesthetics and Person-Centred Practices on NHS In-patient Dementia Assessment Psychiatric Wards: A Single Case Study
John Keady & James Thompson
Tasteful Care: The Role of Food-Sharing in Manchester Community Care
Elise Imray Papineau
Playing along and World Building: An Aesthetic Approach to Therapeutic Lying on Dementia Assessment Wards
Réka Polonyi
Resisting & Liberating
panel 1
Practicing Care in Art, Activism, and Academia
Care as a Historical Category
Hélia Marçal
Exploring Agency in Artistic Activism and Sisterhood through the Lens of Relational Care
Janet Zhangya Johansson & Louise Wallenberg
Aesthetic Aspects of Gender Equality in Academia: The Case of Czech Universities
Iveta Bayerová
panel 2 Udderly Queer: An Artistic Exploration of Trans*Species Care Ethics
including a film screening
chairs: Louis van den Hengel & Leonie Cornips
panel 3
A performative contribution
by Truus Teunissen, Jacqueline Kool, Paul Lindhout, Alistair Niemeijer, and Merel Visse
panel 4
Embodied Ethics and Care Aesthetics: Feminist, Trans*, and Queer Interventions
Percipience, Embodiment, Contamination(s): Practicing a Feminist Care Aesthetics
Elena Cologni
Embodied Aesthetics and the Ethics of Care: Trans* and Queer* Interventions
Kaimé Guerrero
Pregnancy, Birth, and Parenting and the Evocative Art of Louise Bourgeois
Inge van Nistelrooij
panel 5
Deviant Aesthetics and Gestures of Care: Reading Contemporary Visual Art, Film, and Performance
chair: Jillian Hernandez
Cannibalistic Cuts and Care: Enrique Chagoya, Candice Lin, and Yinka Shonibare
Leticia Alvarado
A Gaze on Black Joy: Everyday Black Matter and Con-Artistry Theory
Chaz Antoine Barracks
High Maintenance: Radical Femininity as an Aesthetic of Care
Jillian Hernandez
Doll Closets: Access Intimacy and Animacy in the iDollator Community
Amber Hawk Swanson
panel 6 Caring Democracies?
Women Wage Peace as Theory and Practice of Care Ethics
Anat Langer
How Does the Concept of Caring Democracy Apply to the City of Gwangju, South Korea?
Sangwon Na
Is Care Bad for the Disability Movement? A Case of South Korea
Hee-Kang Kim Hyung Jin Ahn
Embedding & Governing
panel 1
The Challenges of Care in a Blues and Jazz Archive
A multidisciplinary, intergenerational panel
by the Rosetta Reitz Archival Collective
chair: Margaret “Lou” Brown
panel 2 Exploring Care as Pedagogical and Organizational Principle in Arts Education
A co-creative lecture-workshop
by Fabiola Camuti and Veerle Spronck
panel 3
Designing for Care: Interdependency, Relational Design, and Affirmative Ethics
Embracing Interdependency: Reframing Inclusive Design as an Actor in the Web of Care
Kaat Kenis
Thinking and Designing Dwelling Space as a Care Relationship Between the Inhabitant and the Architect
Vasilina Papadimitropoulou
Playful Care: Fostering Affirmative Ethics in Artistic Design Practices
Sofie Kinch, Jennifer Ann Skriver & Mathias Poulsen
panel 4
Caring Infrastructures
Temporalities of Care in the Conservation of Contemporary Art
Renée van de Vall
Care Aesthetics in Contemporary Art: Interdependence and Care in las mediocre Art Collective
Ana Ferriols & María Paula Santiago Martín de Madrid
Caring for Public Things, Repairing Our Worlds: A Conversation Between Maintenance/Repair Studies and Feminist Care Ethics
Sophie Bourgault
panel 5Arts in Care: Creative Practices at the Crossroads of Culture and Health
"Tunes and Troubles": Perspectives on Healthcare Musicians' Ethical Professionalism as Artistic Collaborators in Value-Based Hospital Care
Krista de Wit
The Role of Arts and Culture in the Promotion of Health and Well-Being: A Scoping Review
Fredrick Vokey
panel 6 Endurers
A performative contribution
by Truus Teunissen, Jacqueline Kool, Paul Lindhout, Alistair Niemeijer, and Merel Visse
Per/forming & Becoming
panel 1
Moving With Care: “Switchy” Methodologies for Transformative Queer Street Performance
Critical and creative intervention
by Tk’aronto-based interdisciplinary performance troupe The Switch Collective
chair: Naty Tremblay
panel 2The Weight of Care: Artistic Knowing and Un/doing
Artists as Unique Yet Fragile Knowers of the World: How to Care Well for Their Unique Ontological Contribution
Emilie Dionne
Callisthenics: Stories of Support, Aversion and Love
Paloma Bouhana, Henny Dörr & Philippine Hoegen
panel 3
Imagination Work: Transforming Care through Poetry, Drawing, and Dance
Poetry, Imagination, and Nonmimetic Caring
Petr Urban & Julita Skotarska
Drawing as a Systematic Inquiry: On Organizing the Contents of the Handbag of Caring Research
Julie Kordovsky & Morten Nissen
Space is the Place: An Exploration of Care and Spatiality through Integrated Dance
Monique Lanoix
panel 6
Art in Caring Spaces: Creative Transformation through Narrative, Performance, and Visual Design
Beauty in Death: Hospital Narratives as Forms of Care Aesthetics
Iris Parra Jounou & Pau Miquel i Diego
The Beauty and Power of the Uniform in Theatre and Medicine
Nora Korfker & Lotte van den Berg
Art in Hospitals: The Aesthetic-Social Turn of Caring Space
Eric Fan Feng
Futuring & Worlding
panel 1
Kintsugi: The Art of Unfolding the Unknown
by Alice Schippers and Mark Koning
panel 2
Roots of Reciprocity: Cultivating Care and Restoration
Gardening as an Infrastructure of Reciprocity
Nele Buyst
Negotiating Dilemma’s in Designing a Multi-Species Market Garden
Elisabeth Wesseling
Fallowing as a Framework for Reparative Justice
Anne Pind
panel 3
Ecologies of Care: Collaborative Practices in Human and More-Than-Human Environments
Learning and Practicing Care with Plants
Brussels Health Gardens, Heide Maria Baden, Vitalija Povilaityte-Petri & Lisa Sattell
Watching Guardians: Considering Practices of Producing Human Knowledge about Care
Lauren Wagner & Sanne Schoonbrood
To Research (as) an Ecology of Care
Care Ecologies research group
panel 4
Care for the Other-Than-Human: Earthly, Oceanic, and Cellular Engagements
Geopoetics and Care of the Earth in the Anthropocene
Brunella Casalini
Care and Repair in/through/with Oceanic Engagements
Tamara Shafer
What Does It Mean to Care for a Unicellular Micro-Organism? Photography as Mutualistic Care
Risk Hazekamp & Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
panel 5
Care-full Critique of Current Clothing Repair Landscapes
We Can Mend It: Repair Practices in Times of Crisis (Case of Mendit Research Lab)
Liudmila Aliabieva
New Pedagogies for a Sustainable Clothing Consumption Olga Gurova
Towards the Knowledge Repair Infrastructure for All
Iryna Kucher
panel 6 MAYBE Co-creative Collaborations with Palliative Cancer Patients: A Transdisciplinary Tale from the Artist's Perspective
A hybrid panel
by Nirav Christophe, Henny Dörr, Marjolijn van den Berg, Daniela Moosmann, Nieke Koek, and Marcel Dolman
23-25 January 2025
Kontakt der Kontinenten, Amersfoortsestraat 20
3769 AS Soesterberg
23-25 January 2025
Kontakt der Kontinenten, Amersfoortsestraat 20
3769 AS Soesterberg
Contact info Louis van den Hengel
Images homepage: Merel Visse, Christine Leroy
design website: Johanne de Heus and Marielle Schuurman