
Resisting & Liberating

panel 1
Practicing Care in Art, Activism, and Academia

Care as a Historical Category
Hélia Marçal

Exploring Agency in Artistic Activism and Sisterhood through the Lens of Relational Care
Janet Zhangya Johansson & Louise Wallenberg

Aesthetic Aspects of Gender Equality in Academia: The Case of Czech Universities
Iveta Bayerová

panel 2 Udderly Queer: An Artistic Exploration of Trans*Species Care Ethics 
including a film screening
chairs: Louis van den Hengel & Leonie Cornips

panel 3
A performative contribution
by Truus Teunissen, Jacqueline Kool, Paul Lindhout, Alistair Niemeijer, and Merel Visse

panel 4
Embodied Ethics and Care Aesthetics: Feminist, Trans*, and Queer Interventions

Percipience, Embodiment, Contamination(s): Practicing a Feminist Care Aesthetics
Elena Cologni

Embodied Aesthetics and the Ethics of Care: Trans* and Queer* Interventions
Kaimé Guerrero

Pregnancy, Birth, and Parenting and the Evocative Art of Louise Bourgeois
Inge van Nistelrooij

panel 5
Deviant Aesthetics and Gestures of Care: Reading Contemporary Visual Art, Film, and Performance
chair: Jillian Hernandez

Cannibalistic Cuts and Care: Enrique Chagoya, Candice Lin, and Yinka Shonibare
Leticia Alvarado

A Gaze on Black Joy: Everyday Black Matter and Con-Artistry Theory
Chaz Antoine Barracks

High Maintenance: Radical Femininity as an Aesthetic of Care
Jillian Hernandez

Doll Closets: Access Intimacy and Animacy in the iDollator Community
Amber Hawk Swanson

panel 6 Caring Democracies?

Women Wage Peace as Theory and Practice of Care Ethics
Anat Langer

How Does the Concept of Caring Democracy Apply to the City of Gwangju, South Korea?
Sangwon Na

Is Care Bad for the Disability Movement? A Case of South Korea
Hee-Kang Kim Hyung Jin Ahn 

23-25 January 2025
Kontakt der Kontinenten, Amersfoortsestraat 20
3769 AS Soesterberg

30-31 January 2025 (Zoom links to be published later)

OrganizerCare Ethics Research Consortium
Contact info 
Louis van den Hengel
Images homepage: Merel Visse, Christine Leroy

design website: Johanne de Heus and Marielle Schuurman